War Horse Ride 2014 - Video

Videos collected from various sources. Copyright as the photos - use as you wish, please attribute if possible.

Small previews are similar to YouTube in quality <50 MB each. Do check these first!

Larger full quality 720p HD are available but no longer here - ask...

Right or ctrl-click and "save as" if you want to download to your computer...

Title Small Preview video
Maroilles - departure of GS wagon and escort Small
Nery - From underneath the wagon Small
Nery - Second part of underneath Small
Nery - On top, looking forward Small
Nery - Second part of same Small
Nery - From the pole, looking back up Small
Nery - Forward on the pole Small
Nery - From wagon side forward pt 1 Small
Nery - From wagon side forward pt 2 Small
Nery - Preparations for pegging Small
Nery - John Slough's gun 20 rounds Small
GS on the road Small